速報APP / 約會交友 / P.Talk - stranger chat

P.Talk - stranger chat





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Seoul, Korea

P.Talk - stranger chat(圖1)-速報App

Come check out the new hottest chatting app “P.Talk” : )

- Easiest registration

All you need is a nickname, your age and your gender!

- Supporting variety of media files

Share your pictures, videos, and/or audio files with other people

P.Talk - stranger chat(圖2)-速報App

- Image view mode

You can use image view mode where you can see images of other people in grid layout

- Meet most recently visited people first

“P.Talk” shows people who visited most recently on the top so you can chat with people who are more likely to be active : )

P.Talk - stranger chat(圖3)-速報App

*** Disclaimer ***

“Random chat” lets users around the world communicate easily. It is the responsible for each users to be responsible on the actions they take while using our app. We do not take responsibility from illegal acts individuals make, ignoring the warnings stated throughout the app use.